Weight Loss Service
Losing weight on your own can be a frustrating and often unsuccessful venture. Robert E. Springer III, MD, understands your frustration and is available to help. At Springer Wellness and Restorative Health in Atlanta, Dr. Springer helps you to effectively lose weight and keep it off. If you’re frustrated by rising weight and a sluggish metabolism, call the office or book an appointment online to learn how you can achieve your optimal weight for better health.
Weight Loss Q&A
Changing hormone levels can contribute to weight gain, too. As you get older and production of certain hormones shift (particularly estrogen for women and testosterone for men), your body is more likely to store fat and less likely to maintain lean muscle mass.
You may want to achieve a healthy weight to look your very best. You should have other health-related motivations, too.
Being overweight or obese has very real health implications. When you’re carrying too much fat, you’re at greater risk of illnesses, including:
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Sexual dysfunction and infertility
- Sleep apnea
- Asthma
- Depression
- Arthritis
- Some cancers
Weight loss can bring aesthetic changes and a more positive self-image, but more importantly, losing weight helps you to enjoy more energy, improves your quality of life, and lowers your risk of disability and disease.
At Springer Wellness and Restorative Health, Dr. Springer counsels you on hormone therapy as well as diet and activity recommendations to help you lose weight. Extreme diets are only a short-term solution that usually lead to the regain of any lost weight. Dr. Springer favors a natural, sustainable solution so you lose weight and keep it off for good. This way your health is maximized for a lifetime.
You may also take advantage of weight-loss medications that support the initial stages of your journey. Likewise, there are some forms of medication support that are appropriate for long term use. While not a general weight loss solution, if you are concerned with focal areas that are holding on to fat, then SculpSure® may be helpful. These laser treatments can tweak your physique at places such as your belly, love handles, thighs, and under the chin.
Nutrition and lifestyle counseling, hormone optimization and medication support are available as part of a membership. You don’t have to join an independent weight-loss clinic to lose weight. Trust Dr. Springer to help you with weight loss as well as provide the rest of your primary care needs.
If you’re tired of seeing the scale numbers keep rising, get in touch with Dr. Springer at Springer Wellness and Restorative Health. Call the office or schedule a consultation using the online tool.